Far Off
Conspired to Tell a Taboo
Darkness of The Heart & To Him
Rainbow Heart
Heaven's Poisoned Wine by: Kathy D.




"On the winds of time, when things fly by,
All things go sour, the skys dark above,
Stop holding your breath, let it out in a sigh,
And through it all remember all things of live and love."

Poetry is a passion of mine and though I am not sure that I am all that good at it, there are those out there who tell me that I am. So, with that said, I give you my little bit of it. There will be much here eventually but for now there is only what is on the left. Click and read and drop me a line and tell me what you think.



From Queer Poets - The Gay Poetic Outlet for Youth
by: Aquaia Atlantis

Poems are a way to express one's self. I know what it is like to be a gay boy in life and having no way to let out all the frustration that was building up because I had no outlet. I finally turned to poetry. Now I have found a Live Journal Community that I can put some of my then poetry up for the world to see. You can find it at http://www.livejournal.com/community/queerpoets.

© Coypright 2001 - The Scrybe

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