Far Off
Conspired to Tell a Taboo
Darkness of The Heart & To Him
Rainbow Heart
Heaven's Poisoned Wine by: Kathy D.




I lie awake, thinking of you;
The ‘cure’ can’t have been right.
The bittersweet pain runs through my veins,
Your image clouds my sight.

I think of how you make me feel,
How you looked at me as we danced.
How every inch of your skin felt,
With my awareness of you enhanced.

The blazing imperfection
Of everything I do.
The way I fall completely short
When compared to you.

The way I’m never good enough,
To impress you, dear.
The way I always turn and run,
From everything I fear.

The way I want you as the poison’s,
Pumping through my veins.
The way I want to know you, be you,
Be with you, heal your pains.

The soft, quiet rejection,
That’s always in your eyes.
Each time I try to kiss you,
When the poisoned heat does rise.

The thing I’ll never tell you;
The fear of rejection is too great:
The poison only heightened
The love I’d thought was hate.

These things all make me desperate, Harry;
My control will soon be broken.
So I rest my hope upon your eyes;
and the words you leave unspoken.

By Kathy D.

This poem was not written by me. Click on Kathy's name to send me an email and I will pass your comments along to her. I am sure that she will thank you graciously for what you have to say. :)

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