To be Notified when I change something type your email in the right box and click on "Notify!". If you want to be notified of another then just come back here and do it all over again, only that time use another box (duh!).

Site Updates

Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction

The Life and Times of Atlantis

All My Own and No One Else's



Under no circumstances will I send out spam with this. This is strictly for letting me tell you beautiful people who want to know when I update. If you get spam and you think it is from here, Whisper to me and I will contact the Admins for the site.

The Lists Described

So, you want to be told when something changes do you? What should I tell you about? Below you will find four diffrent notifications: Website Updates, Fic Updates - Slash, Fic Updates - All My Own, and Diary Updates. Choose one and put in your email and click the "Notify!" Icon. That should do it. If you want more than one, just come back and do the same for that one. I will send out the emails as I update.

Website Updates:
Take a look around you. When I change all of this then you will find out, if you join this list that is.

Fic Updates - Slash:
Almost like when I update the sites, only this one is only for my Harry Potter Slash Fics. You should get an email when I have uploaded a new chapter or Fic if you join here.

Fic Updates - All My Own
The same as the Slash, only with the stories that I write my self and has nothing to do with Harry Potter. You should get an email when I have uploaded a new charpter or Fic in you join here.

Diary Updates:
My WEBDiary can be found at the "The Life and Times of Atlantis" link. This is where you will join if you want to know when I update that. I do that so un-frequently that this is a good way to know when you have to go read something if you want to, without haveing to go there all the time to find nothing new.