Fic/Chapter?: Fic - Days to Remember

Current Number of Chapters: 0

Ship: Harry x Draco & Lusius x James

Rating: Not Yet Rated

Current Status: First Chapter still in Writing Process

The Inspiration and Description: I am not sure what it is about this image that grabbed my attention. All I know for a fact is when I look at it I see times forgotten and now remembered. I am not sure how that works but that is the way that it is. I see two young men remembering a past that is not theirs but one that they share, a time that they knew either nothing or very little about. Now faced with it, I see uncertainity and deep thought. Most of all I see a companionship that is both needed and wanted. The HxD and LxJ parallel seemed to fit the best.

[Steve Walker ~ Artist] [Inspirations] [The Library of Atlantis]
[Whisper to Atlantis] [The Isle of Atlantis]