Sketch, Paint, and Digital Artist

The Wheel of Time Series




Steve Walker, Carol Grahm, Nicole Stweart, Michael Kgiller, Nicolei Drumes...

Robert Jordan, Susan Cooper, J.K. Rowling, Edgar Allen Poe, A.E Applegate...

Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Browne, Mark Twain, Shakesphere, Harriet Breacher Stowe...

Yanni, Westlife, The Calling, J. S. Bach, Lifehouse...

All of these artists, performers, poets, and authors have touched me in one way or another and I have at least started to write something because of it. These pages and the stories containted within then are not only Inspiried by them but is also dedicated to them. The idea for the writing would not have been there if not for them and I can not thank them enough for doing what they do, so that I can do what I do.. ^_~

There are a few things that you need to look for while you browse and read from Inspirations.

1) - This tag means that this is a Harry Potter Slash Fanfic.
2) - This tag means that this is a Story that is All My Own and No One Else's. All that Characters are mine.
3) Written w/ Inspiration - This tag means that this story is native to Insirations and can be found no where else.
4) - This tag means that this story is a hybrid of HPS and AMO.


There are some things that you will need to know about the layout of Inspirations. First, is the reduction to a two column layout. In the first (smaller) column you will find the work of art and a bit about the artist in the time when he/she did the art. In the second (larger) column will find what inspired me about the work and where that inspiration went. The link(s) to the fic(s) that the work of art inspired will also be in this column. I hope that this clears up any questions you will have on this layout. If not then just click that "Webmistress" link below and send me your questions. ^_^

Questions and Comments (and broken link reports) should be directed to the Webmistress.