To the right you will find a complete list of what I have in the works as far as writing goes. From WiP's (Works in Progress) to Singles, from Trios to FiP's (Fics in Progress - Fics still in the writing phaze) you will find all you need to know about what I am writing and when I will have it up (or so I will guess)... I will also have what stories have been put on hold and what stories have been abandonded here. Those on hold I will plan to get back to at one point time or another.



Click on a Title below for more information.

Love is Unpredictable
Hush Little Baby
Days You Remember
The Spirit of a Man
Unspoken Tears
new fic   Young Hearts Trio 1: Young Hearts Break Easy
new fic   Young Hearts Trio 2: Young Hearts Mend Slowly
new fic   Young Hearts Trio 3: Young Hearts Forgive Quickly
hybrid     Aildechrau
new fic   Telling Him
The Stones of Life


Abandoned Fics

Those that have been abandoned you may try to write if you wish, as I have relised copying ©'s to it. Just let me know so I am re-© to you so that no one else tries to take it from you... I reserve the right to hold all new stories written under the title, or uses the same idea, characters, or plot lines, as one of my stories on my site and anyone who chooses to pick up one of my abandonded stories acknowledges this right, and agrees to post said story to my at my email. Please use the email links on this page or make sure you subject the email with "Abandoned Story Submission - **Story Title**" where **Story Title** is the name of the story and with out the quotes.

Questions and Comments (and broken link reports) should be directed to the Webmistress.

Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction
Below you will find all the fic statuses for HPS and AMO/HPS Hybrids

Love is Unpredictable
Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Harry x Draco Fic Rated R This Fic is a Work in Progress This Fic is ON HOLD
Draco and Harry suddently find that they have hidden feelings for each other, and the discovery ignites a passion that burns with the intensity like no other. But Harry freaks and break the tenderness that they had shared for such a brief moment. Now, as his heart and his mind battle each other, Harry has to decide what it is he wants and what he is going to do about getting it, if there is anything that he can do.

On Hold Since: 200112.05
Reason: Other Fic Priority
Current Chapters: 1
Expected Return: Unknown

Hush Little Baby
Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Harry x Draco Fic This Fic is NOT RATED or has the RATING PENDING This Fic is a Work in Progress This Fic is ON HOLD
Draco and Harry move in with each after Hogwarts. Fighting the Ministry, Luicius, and many other factions, they try to adopt a baby boy. Just when they manage to get it done, the Ministry send Draco to America on business. (More to come as the story develops in my mind)

On Hold Since: 200112.17
Reason: Complications
Current Chapters: N/A (Not Uploaded)
Expected Return: When I have finished the Prelude: The Young Hearts Trio

Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Harry x Draco Fic Rated PG This Fic is a Work in Progress Hosted at This Fic is IN PROGRESS
The rawness of emotion can be a hard thing to deal with, especially when Harry finds that emotion directed at him, from a place he would have last expected it, Draco Malfoy. Can the pure undisguised emotion that Draco is sending Harry's way be a front, or is it something real? Can Harry deal with it if it is real? And will he be willing to give up his newfound love for an old family friend at his heart’s demand? Questions flow through Harry's mind as emotions scream through his heart. And through it all, Hermione has one question: when Love and Hate collide, will anyone and anything in its path be left standing?

Current Chapters: 2
Last Chapter Uploaded: 200202.21

Days You Remember
Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Lucius x James Fic Harry x Draco Fic Rated PG-13 An INSPIRATIONS Fic This Fic is a SINGLE This Fic is IN PROGRESS
Dumbledore gives Harry the Journal that his father kept while James was at Hogwarts, with instructions to not allow anyone to read it until Harry himself did. "There are things in there you might want to keep to yourself," Dumbledore warns. But Draco finds him reading it and together they travel back to a time when James and Lucius held special moments like their sons were doing years later. Harry soon finds himself asking the question: Will Draco and I make the same mistakes, or will we learn from our fathers?

Current Chapters: N/A (Not Uploaded)
Last Chapter Uploaded: N/A (This fic is a Single)

The Spirit of a Man
Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Lucius x James Fic Rated PG-13 This Fic is a SINGLE An INSPIRATIONS Fic This Fic is IN PROGRESS
James returns to visit Lucius one last time to show him, that even with all that one can do to another in a life, after it is all said and done the love that two people share will last for eternities to come. The meeting is bittersweet with love, memories, and forgivness that leaves Luicius thinking about his life and where he went wrong.

Current Chapters: N/A (Not Uploaded)
Last Chapter Uploaded: N/A (This fic is a Single)

Unspoken Tears
Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Draco x Ron Fic Rated R This Fic is a Work in Progress This Fic is IN PROGRESS
Ron is crushed when Harry turns him down. The last person that Ron thought would hurt him has, and the last person he thought he would find comfort in gives him that compassion and love he so desperatly needs.

Current Chapters: N/A (Not Uploaded)
Last Chapter Uploaded: N/A

Young Hearts Trio I: Young Hearts Break Easy
Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Harry x Draco Fic Rated PG-13 Rated R for certain readers This Fic is an EPIC This is a NEW LISTING This Fic is IN PROGRESS
Harry and Draco have been dating in secret for three years when Draco suddenly breaks it off, just shortly after Harry asks him if he would live with him after they graduate Hogwarts. When Harry suddenly disappears from the Gryffindor Common Room, Ron go in search for him. Finding him on the front steps to the castle, in a pouring rain, Ron puts aside his shock and anger at learning Harry and Draco were together to help Harry through the emotional turblance of the memories the Boy Who Lived has of the last three years.

Current Chapters: N/A (Not Uploaded)
Last Chapter Uploaded: N/A (This Fic is a Single)

Young Hearts Trio II: Young Hearts Mend Slowly
Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Harry x Draco Fic Rated PG-13 This Fic is an EPIC This is a NEW LISTING This Fic is ON HOLD
Draco, still having to see Harry almost every day, must come face to face with what he has done to the only person that he had ever loved. Looking on the hurt and pain that Harry's heart forces him to show when ever he is in the room with Draco, Draco soon learns that only he, the breaker of Harry's heart, is the only one who can pick up the pieces and make it all right again. But doing it means turning his back on his past and becoming a hunted man, hunted by his own family. He knows he can do it, but how?

On Hold Since: N/A
Reason: Complications
Current Chapters: N/A (Not Uploaded)
Expected Return: When I have finished the Prelude: The Young Hearts Trio I: Young Hearts Break Easy

Young Hearts Trio III: Young Hearts Forgive Quickly
Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Harry x Draco Fic Rated PG-13 This Fic is an EPIC This is a NEW LISTING This Fic is ON HOLD
Harry and Draco, back together, are now known about by Harry's closest friends. Together they face the re-building process that Harry has to go through before he can trust Draco fully again. Together they learn what it is to love for truth and just how much trust must play in that love for it to mean anything.

On Hold Since: N/A
Reason: Complications
Current Chapters: N/A (Not Uploaded)
Expected Return: When I have finished the Prelude: The Young Hearts Trio II: Young Hearts Mend Slowly

HPS/AMO Hybrid Jamie x Sequoia Fic This Fic is NOT RATED or has the RATING PENDING This Fic is a WORK IN PROGRESS This is a NEW LISTING This Fic is IN PROGRESS

On Hold Since: N/A
Reason: Complications
Current Chapters: N/A (Not Uploaded)
Expected Return: When I have finished the Prelude: The Young Hearts Trio II: Young Hearts Mend Slowly

Telling Him
Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction Lucius x James Fic Rated PG-13 This Fic is a SINGLE An INSPIRATIONS Fic This is a NEW LISTING This Fic is COMPLETED
Harry has slowly realized that he has feelings for Ron and, after a talk with Seamus, he wants to tell him. He just doesn't know how. Ron has been feeling "feelings that friends should not have for one another" about Harry for a while. He can not bring himself to tell the man that he is falling in love with. So, with neither one of them being about to tell the other, and wanting to, they find themselves at The Three Broomsticks chatting over a mug of butterbeer and a Cherry soda. All they need now is a little nudge in the right direction... This is where Dean and Seamus come in.


All My Own and No One Else's
Below you will find all the fic statuses for AMO Fantasy, AMO Romance, AMO Sci-Fi, and AMO Other

The Stones of Life
All My Own and No One Else's FANTASY Fic This Fic is NOT RATED or has the RATING PENDING This Fic is a WORK IN PROGRESS This Fic is ON HOLD
A quest is given to five unlikely heros. The Five Guardians have died and have been sent back. The Chosen have been born and they may finally give up the burdens that thousands have carried until their deaths, The Stones of Life. But the Elemental Evils know of the Chosen and they with the help of thier Guardian must make it to the Temple of the Moon before the Elemental Evils find them, for there is no fighting the monsters of Fire, Earth, Water, Air, and Spirit. To encounter them is to die.

On Hold Since: 200112.06
Reason: Other Fic Priority
Current Chapters: 1
Expected Return: Unknown

All My Own and No One Else's ROMANCE Fic This Fic is Rated PG This Fic is a WORK IN PROGRESS This Fic is ON HOLD
Love can be a beautiful thing, no matter who it is you love. That is what young Loren has to learn while learning that his life is forever entwined with Jake's. Will the trials and tribulations make the grow closer? Or will the entwined knot of love come undone?

On Hold Since: 200112.06
Reason: Other Fic Priority
Current Chapters: 2
Expected Return: Unknown