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Below you will find information that you may want to read. If not then head on in and see what I have published. For those of you who do not know what slash is, slash is fictional stories that are based on homosexuality. Though, normally, this may include homo-erotica, that is not always so. Next to each of the stories listed there will be a Rating. By clicking on Rating, you can learn why my ratings are what they are. The ratings will also be at the top of the chapter or story. If homo-fic is not for you then you may click here for a more neutral story-site. United Harry Potter Slashers Email List To keep everyone who wants to know updated, I have created a list called United Harry Potter Slashers. Located at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uhps, this list is to inform all those people who fall in love with my stories and want to know the whos, whats, whens, wheres, whys, and hows of each story and each chapter.
Here you will find the stories, fics, songs, and poems that I have been writing. These are the same writings that have kept me sane in all of the times that I could have gone crazy in my life. Before this was all scattered throughout the site and was hard to remember where it all was, even for me. So I created the Library of Atlantis. As I am a very fond of epics, most of the stories and fics I will write will be in multi-chapters. That does not mean that there will not be short stories. I will write those as I can think of things to write for them and I stop there instead of planning three more chapters, even before I am finished with the first. ^_^ The Library of Atlantis Catalogue currently has four sections:
Below is a description of each. I would like to hear what you think about all of them. Whisper in My Ear and tell me. All My Own and No One Else's These are stories in which everything is mine. That is this is all my creation (names, places, scenes, objects) and I am not useing anything from anything else intentionally. If you find this to be incorrect, please email me and let me know so that I can fix it. Slash These are the stories that I am doing that are Harry Potter slash. If you do not like this kind of stuff then you need not look at these stories. Below is a description of what slash is and what you should know about it before you start to read it. That way there is no concern that you will be surprised when you get there. These Rhyme... For a Reason I love poetry and music. Sometimes I try my hand at a little of both. This is where I will put it. For those of you who have been here before I did the revamp: This used to be the "Of Life and Love" section that was accessible from the home page. Now it also includes "Humming a Bar or Two" and I decided to move it into the Library when I thought of the concept for it. I hope that you are not too confused. ^_^
Sometimes inspiration jumps out at you. In this section you will find what inspirations have jumped out at me. Not much. Just an image here, a poem there, a song in yet another place. Well, in the case of Steve Walker all that is different. Almost all his stuff is inspirational. But take a look and see what has given me the lift when I needed it. Things to Look For
© Copyright Notice © The stories and artwork contained within this website are for personal enjoyment only and are Copyright 2000-2001, 2001-2002 by Aquaia Atlantis, unless indicated otherwise. No license to use, copy, reproduce or create derivative works therefrom is granted to anyone other than J.K. Rowling, in whole or in part, without my express written permission. The Halls of the Library When you walk the halls of the Library of Atlantis you will find writings that have at one point in time or another meant something to me. I hope that you love reading these stories as much as I love writing them. There are some headers that will appear in this column. Below is a listing and what you will find under each. ~ The Characters ~ You find information on characters here. In HPS you will find the current pairing and in what other stories you will find them in, both as a pair and paired with others. In Native you will be given a brief of the character and who they are. Also this area will tell you if they are in other stories. Keep an eye here if you want to see your faves. ~ The Dedication ~ This is the dedication. It might be for a story or a whole section but this is where you will see me tell those who have helped me "TKS". Everyone in this section has helped me in some way, be it small or large, and I am telling them so here. Notes on the Menu The menu to the left is where the stories will be listed inside. Over there now you should be able to see buttons linking to the different catalog types that you can choose from. Inside, these will only be text links to the stories. For the stories with chapters, the stories listing will be replaced with a listing of the chapters in that story. This will prevent the need to have to click on the back button to get to another chapter. Enjoy! Questions and Comments (and broken link reports) should be directed to the Webmistress. |